 +91-78888 31014
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  Sarvog, Assam, India

• to arouse children’s curiosity and foster a desire to learn about the world in which they live.
• For children to acquire knowledge, skills and practical abilities and the will to use them.
• To develop qualities of mind, body, spirit, feeling and imagination.
• To appreciate human achievements in art, music, science, technology, literature and sport.
• To help children understand the society and environment in which they live.
• To help children acquire and develop moral and religious values, and a respect for the beliefs and values held by others.
• To prepare for their adult lives at home, at work, at leisure and at large as consumers and citizens.
• To develop a sense of self respect, to develop the capacity to live as independent, self-motivated adults and the ability to function as contributing members of co-operative groups - each child will move forward in all these ways according to age and ability.